Friday, March 04, 2005

Mariotti Award Winner

Mariotti Award - In honor of the Sun Times writer Jay Mariotti. This is awarded to the author that goes above and beyond the call of duty in trying to prove that your team is better off either losing or being ranked lower than they are.

Today's winner. Is it just me or is the last time you tried this argument when you lost to a sibling. When you lost you tried to convince them that you really wanted to finish second to them. I haven't heard this kind of reasoning since I was 5.

Authors point: It is better to be a #2 seed than a #1 seed.

Rebuttal: Do I need one? I will just use the author's own quote against him.

"Statistically, the 1s have a better chance". Really, you don't say ? Heck I'd rather be a two seed.
Bonus quote Mariotti would be proud of: "Also, considering all the pressure, I'd rather be a 2 seed going into the Madness." Of course we know that #2 seeds have no pressure. Heck with that reasoning why not be a 3 seed they have even less pressure.

As you can see the author is a well deserving recipient.


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